What’s the difference between ADA and the diocesan capital campaign?

Anne Marie Amacher
Bishop Thomas Zinkula prays the Eucharistic Prayer during an ordination Mass last summer. Deacon Ben Snyder, left, and Deacon Dale Mallory anticipate ordination to the priesthood June 4.

By Michael Hoffman
For The Catholic Messenger

All parishes in the Diocese of Davenport participate each fall in the Annual Diocesan Appeal, which covers the day-to-day costs of diocesan operations. The Upon This Rock Capital Campaign has three waves and covers extraordinary costs of long-term diocesan priorities.


Expenses the diocese supports through the Annual Diocesan Appeal for its 74 parishes include:


•Programs and resources to train and assist lay leaders, parish and school staff members so they can minister more effectively.

•Liturgical resources and guidance for the bishop and parishes.

•Social Action Office programs that help people move from crisis to stability.

•Support for parish efforts to promote vocations, stewardship and evangelization.

Upon This Rock Capital Campaign

Long-term priorities of this campaign include:

•The retirement and health care cost of retired priests. Current funding will meet the expected influx of priest retirements over the next 10 years.

•The cost of seminarian education. Funded annually to a degree through the ADA, the campaign will keep current funding for seminarian education from being exhausted.

•The strength of the parishes. Funds will pay for projects of each parish’s choosing.

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