Q: Where is the archives page?
A: Currently, Archives is only searchable from the search widget (box), above the left categories menu. Type in a keyword(s) or phrase* to search through all articles available.
*When search using a phrase put the phrase in double quotes ie “Saint Anthony’s Fire”. All articles with Saint Anthony’s Fire as a phrase will come up in the results with that exact phrasing.
You can also go to to our Site Map page for a listing of articles by weeks and pages we have. The site map link is also available at the bottom of the web site on the left side under our copyright notice.
Q: When doing a search, why are only a few articles coming up?
A: Two-part answer:
1. Please broaden your search terms as your criteria may be too narrow.
2. Currently, only articles since 2009 are available.
Q: Why did you change the site?
A: It was decided that a website with more flexibility and features including a mobile version should be developed and be more cost effective at the same time.
Q: What is that square dotted box object on the right side of the screen?
A: It is called a QR Code. It is a barcode use by mobile camera phones to grab information quickly (ex. a URL, other info). You scan the QR Code with a phone (use a barcode app). In our case, our QR code will tell your mobile phone to go to our website so you can see it via our mobile version.