By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger
DAVENPORT — The fifth annual White Mass for medical professions will be celebrated Oct. 13 at 9 a.m. in Christ the King Chapel on the St. Ambrose University campus. Bishop Thomas Zinkula will preside.
Following Mass, Dr. Ashley Fernandes will speak on “An Evidence-Based Response to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide” in the Gottlieb Room of the Rogalski Center. A light breakfast will be served.
Dr. Timothy Millea, president of the St. Thomas Aquinas Medical Guild, said, “We’re very excited to have Dr. Fernandes as our speaker this year. My first encounter with him was at a Catholic Medical Association meeting about four or five years ago. He’s a very dynamic and entertaining speaker, and his messages are always informative and inspiring.”
Fernandes’ 2015 presentation for the local guild was very well received, which inspired the invitation for this year’s event, Millea said. Fernandes is associate professor of pediatrics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and the associate director of the Ohio State University College of Medicine Center for Bioethics.
His doctoral dissertation was “Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide and the Philosophical Anthropology of Karol Wotyla.” Fernandes is a member of the Catholic Medical Association and was awarded the national Mentor of the Year Award in 2015. He became involved in the pro-life cause in high school where he organized local, student-run rallies for life. He and his wife, Shruti (also a physician), reside in Dublin, Ohio, with their two sons.
Anyone may attend the Mass and talk, which is free. Membership in the guild or Catholic Medical Association is not required. For more information about the speaker, or St. Thomas Aquinas Guild or to become a member visit https://stthomasaquinasguildqc. com.