Live the spirit of Guadalupe and Las Posadas celebrations


The Son is the refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being and who sustains all things by his mighty Word. — Hebrews 1:3

Fr. Juarez

These words from the letter of St. Paul to the Hebrews speak of Christ, the Word of God, who became flesh in order to live with us and share his divinity with our humanity so that he could open up the road to heaven.

We have been anticipating this encounter with God during this season of Advent but also celebrating it in a special way in the novena of the Posadas (the welcoming of Joseph

Anne Marie Amacher
Youths at St. Anthony Parish in Davenport re-enact Laa Posadas Dec. 20 in the parish hall.

and Mary on their way to Bethlehem). Over 400 years in existence, the Posadas (literally an inn) are a series of celebrations and a catechetical tool which reminds good Christians that Christ, the Word made flesh, is our Savior. It is he whom we receive and celebrate and God the Father is the one “who sustains all things by his mighty Word.”


Grateful that God sustains us, we should make real in our daily living all those values that reveal by our actions and attitude that we are sons and daughters of “the one true God by whom…” as Our Lady of Guadalupe said to St. Juan Diego, “we live.”

We should live the spirit of the Guadalupe and Las Posadas celebrations — namely one of acceptance, welcome, faith, love and charity. What a wonderful spirit with which to close out the season of Advent and with which to receive joyfully the divine child on Christmas Eve.

If we lived out these values, perhaps our personal and family life would be transformed and we would share with others in a more meaningful way. Perhaps then, the last stanza sung by the pilgrims — Joseph and Mary in Las Posadas — would come to pass: “God repay your charity, and may heaven shower you with joy”!

God with us!

(Father Rudolph Juarez is pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Davenport.)

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