Fr. Martin Golf Outing


The annual golf outing to raise emergency scholarship grants for Scott County Catholic school students will be held Aug. 22 at Emeis Golf Course in Davenport.
The Father Ken Martin Golf Outing honors the late Fr. Martin who was an avid golfer and friend. Upon his death, he left $1,000 for his golfing buddies to have an outing, and they decided to honor “Father Kenny” by creating this annual event.
Through the years this outing has raised over $300,000 to benefit Scott County K-12 Catholic school students through emergency scholarship grants. Donations will help students to continue their Catholic school education in spite of their family’s current financial crisis.
The day includes golf and dinner or dinner only. Dinner will be at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Davenport. Reservations for golf and dinner, or dinner only, are available. Cost is $125 for golfers and includes dinner. “Hole” sponsorship is $150. Dinner only is $35.
Make checks payable to: Assumption Foundation for K-12 Catholic Schools and send payments and registration form (available at to: Father Ken Martin Golf Outing, 1020 W. Central Park Avenue Davenport, Iowa, 52804
For sponsorship information, contact Andy Craig at or (563) 326-5313, Ext. 225.

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