MORE thank you event


By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

Ministers of Religious Education (MORE) from the Davenport and Clinton deaneries will host a thank you evening for those who have been involved in the process of forming others in their faith.

“It is designed to say thank-you to all who help pass on the faith to our families and adults — womb to tomb —catechists, educators, youth ministers and parents,” said Joyce Kloft of MORE and the K-6 minister of faith formation at St. Ann Parish in Long Grove.

Mass will kick off the new year Aug. 29 at 6 p.m. at St. Ann Church. Bishop Thomas Zinkula will be the celebrant. All priests in the Clinton and Davenport deaneries are invited to concelebrate. Following Mass, an inservice session and meal will be provided in the parish center. The meal includes pulled pork, beans, cole slaw, chips and beverage. Sweets will be available.


Dinner tables will be divided into groups for Pre-K, kindergarten and first grade; first Communion (second grade); third and fourth grade; fifth and sixth grade; confirmation; high school; youth ministry; adult education and adult initiation. “During dinner we will have discussion questions and time to share,” Kloft said. The event is about sharing, celebrating and learning together.

If anyone is on the fence about teaching or helping with their parish’s faith formation, this would be a good evening to learn from others about the struggles and successes they experience in passing on the faith, making disciples for Christ, she said.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is due Aug. 20 to make arrangements for tables and food.

For more information or to register, contact your parish’s director of religious education or youth minister. Or contact Kloft at (563) 285-4596 or by email

About MORE

Ministers of Religious Education (MORE) for the Clinton and Davenport deaneries typically meet the third Tuesday of each month. The schedule for the 2018-19 year: Aug. 21 at St. Ann, Long Grove; Sept. 18 at Prince of Peace, Clinton; Oct. 16 at Our Lady of Victory, Davenport; Nov. 27, to be announced; Jan. 15 at St. Alphonsus, Davenport; Feb. 19 at St. Anthony, Davenport; March 19 at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Lost Nation; April 23 at St. Joseph, DeWitt; and May 21 at Scott County Park for a picnic to end the faith formation year.
For more information contact Joyce Kloft at (563) 285-4596 or email

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