From left, Sister Kaye Holland, CHM, Patti Trapp, Sondra Roby and Jerry Greenwood organize clothing at Humility of Mary Housing, Inc.’s warehouse Nov. 4.
Davenport —Starting Feb. 1, Humility of Mary Housing, Inc. (HMHI) will become the donation ‘hub’ for all Humility of Mary agencies. This means donations that in the past were dropped off at Humility of Mary Shelter (HMSI) at 1016 W. 5th St. will now be received only at Humility of Mary Housing (HMHI), 3805 Mississippi Ave. Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Currently, Humility of Mary entities predict a shortage of furniture over the next few months. A monetary donation of $200 will purchase a bed for a person experiencing homelessness. To make a monetary donation towards the purchase of a bed, please contact the housing office at (563) 326-1330.
Donations of clothing, dishes, pots and pans, towels, sheets, pillows and other daily items are also needed. For a complete list, visit