Eight BVMs sisters celebrate diamond jubilees


Eight Sisters of Charity, BVM, with ties to the Diocese of Davenport celebrated 75 years in religious life this fall. They are among 26 diamond jubilarians who gathered at the Mount Carmel Motherhouse Chapel in Dubuque, Iowa, on Sept. 6 for a liturgy of thanksgiving. This year the group also included sisters celebrating 74, 73 and 70 years in religious life.

Sister Helen Kerrigan (Paulita) was born in Davenport and graduated from Immac­ulate Concep­tion Academy in Davenport. She entered the BVM congregation from Sacred Heart Cathedral in Davenport on Sept. 8, 1940. She professed first vows on March 19, 1943, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1948. She taught at Immaculate Conception Academy. She taught secondary school in Dubuque where she also taught art at Clarke University and was artist in residence there. She taught at the elementary, secondary and college level in Marcus, Iowa; Hempstead, New York; Chicago; San Francisco; and St. Louis.

Sister Gracita Daly was born in Burlington and graduated from St. Paul Central High in Burlington. She entered the BVM congregation from St. John the Baptist Parish in Burlington on Sept. 8, 1941. She professed first vows on March 19, 1944, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1949. She taught and was principal at St. Anthony Elementary in Davenport. She also taught elementary and junior high school and was principal in Chicago and Berwyn, Illinois; Lincoln, Nebraska; Kansas City, Missouri; and West Hempstead, New York. She served as BVM patient representative at Mount Carmel in Dubuque, in parish ministry in Berwyn, and as volunteer for United Senior Action in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Sister Anita Therese Hayes was born in Cascade. She entered the BVM congregation on Sept. 8, 1941. She professed first vows on March 19, 1944, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1949. She taught at St. Anth­­ony Ele­men­tary in Davenport and was superior/principal at St. Paul Elementary in Burlington. She also taught in Dubuque and Tama, Iowa; Chicago; and Lead, South Dakota. Sr. Hayes served on the staff at Guadalupe College in Los Gatos, California; and as BVM regional representative. Also in Dubuque, she served as administrator of the motherhouse and ministered as archivist/historian/curator at Mount Carmel, where she continues to volunteer as archivist/researcher today.


Sister M. Gabrielle Hagerty was born in Tama. She entered the BVM congregation on Sept. 8, 1942. She professed first vows on March 19, 1945, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1950. She taught and was principal at St. Paul in Burlington, St. James in Washington and Iowa City Catholic Grade School and Regina Elementary in Iowa City. She taught elementary school and was principal in Wichita, Kansas; and Manly, Cedar Rapids, Sioux City and Boone, Iowa.

Sister Paulina Sullivan born in Kansas City, Missouri. She entered the BVM congregation on Sept. 8, 1942. She professed first vows on March 19, 1945, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1950. She taught elementary school at St. Ireneaus/North Catholic in Clinton. She taught elementary and junior high school and was principal in Fort Dodge, Iowa; Wilmot, Wisconsin; and Rock Island and Chicago, Illinois.

Sister Jean Margaret Black was born in Holbrook and entered the BVM congregation from St. Michael Parish in Holbrook on Feb. 2, 1945. She professed first vows on Aug. 15, 1947, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1952. She taught elementary school in Des Moines and Muscatine, Iowa; Butte, Montana; San Francisco and Petaluma, California; and Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska. She served as congregational volunteer in Dubuque.

Sister Marilyn Thomas was born in Dav­enport and graduated from Imma­culate Concep­tion Academy and St. Am­brose College in Davenport. She entered the BVM congregation from St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Davenport on Feb. 2, 1945. She professed first vows on Aug. 15, 1947, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1952. She taught music at Immaculate Conception Acade­my. In Dubuque she ministered at Mount Carmel as secretary to the Mother General and as organist and treasurer, Mount Carmel campus. She also taught French and organ to novices.
Sister Mary Vivina Bly was born in Clinton and graduated from St. Mary High School and Mount St. Clare Junior College in Clinton. She entered the BVM congregation from St. Mary Parish in Clinton on Sept. 8, 1945. She professed first vows on March 19, 1948, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1953. She taught elementary school and was principal in Dubuque and Washington, Iowa; Rock Island and Pontiac, Illinois; Wichita, Kansas; Chicago; and Kansas City, Missouri. She taught elementary school and was a pastoral care minister in Milwaukee.

To send a congratulatory message to a sister on her jubilee or to donate to the BVM congregation on behalf of these sisters, please go to www.bvmcong.org/ whatsnew_jubs.cfm.

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2 thoughts on “Eight BVMs sisters celebrate diamond jubilees

  1. Sister Paulina,

    This is Virginia Kowalewski Robinson. I was a student at Holy Name in Wilmot. Graduated 1961. Congratulations on your Diamond Jubilee! Before I embark on a lengthy story on where I’ve been the last fifty or sixty years I’d like to make sure that you’re going to get back in touch with me so please do that. My email address in Florida is ironicwoman@ol.com.

    In Jesus’ name,
    Jenny Robinson

    1. I would suggest calling Sr. Paulina’s motherhouse, just in case she doesn’t see your comment here. Good luck!

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