The Assumption Knight Players presented “Pirates of Penzance” to three nearly sold-out crowds on the weekend of March 18. The show, with music and lyrics by Gilbert and Sullivan, tells the tale of Frederic, who as a child was apprenticed to a pirate instead of to a ship’s pilot by his hard-of-hearing nursemaid, Ruth. The hilarity ensues!
Assumption theater director Leslie LaCorte noted: “Because their shows were written in the 1800s, most people assume Gilbert and Sullivan shows will be boring or outdated; however, the music is as fun as ever, the jokes are still funny and working on this show has been a blast.” She added, “I know I’ve never seen kids have so much fun putting a show together!”
The cast and crew of 65 was hard at work since the beginning of January to ensure perfect performances.
Assumption’s President, Andy Craig, said, “It was quite obvious the students were having the best time of their lives on that stage, which made the show that much more entertaining and enjoyable!”