Third-graders practice faith

Third-graders pray a decade of the rosary each morning before class.

The third-grade religion class at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School includes learning how to say the rosary and getting to know more about the Blessed Virgin Mary, her life, her miracles and her messages to her children. Each morning, a decade of the rosary is recited before class.

During May, the students recite a full rosary in front of the Mary altar in church, including special intentions from the class. Students have also been known to gather around a large statue of Mary outside the church and pray there as well. 

One of the most meaningful things students do during the year is take turns bringing a statue of Our Lady of Fatima home with them for a week. During that time, their family prays together before the statue each day. When the students pray their decade of the rosary, the host family for that week is kept as part of the special intentions. 

Mary touches the lives of students in a special way throughout the year.  The rosary becomes a very meaningful prayer to these students.


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