Priest profile


Name: Fr. Walter Helms 

Age: 66

Years ordained: 40

Current assignment: Pastor, St. Thomas More Parish, Coralville


How did you know you were being called to priesthood?           

My initial inclination was affirmed by the witness of priests I’ve know along the way and by the encouragement of family and friends.

Aside from your ordination Mass, what was your most memorable Mass?  

Several occasions when tears come as a result of the moment’s meaning to me: funeral of a relative, realization of the impact of people’s witness in congregation on my life, parish dedication Mass, etc.

What is most rewarding about being a priest?

Having the unique vantage point of seeing holiness lived in so many people and their overwhelming trust in a pastor.

What is most challenging about being a priest?

Striking a balance between the role of the institutional charism of rule and order and the call of a larger spirit.

What is your favorite Scripture passage?

A couple come to mind:  Ps. 8 “…how glorious your name over all the earth . . .”

and Rom. 5:8 “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. . . .”

What is your hobby?

I enjoy racquetball, tennis, bike riding, traveling by car on long trips, watching news programs, going to movies, cooking.

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