In August 2007, Luke Roling of Clinton and Nathan Dobbels of Galva, Ill., became roommates at Iowa State University. Roling, a 2007 graduate of Prince of Peace College Preparatory in Clinton, could not have predicted where this new friendship would take them.
Two years later, Roling would be running for president of the Iowa State University student government with Dobbels as his vice president candidate.
Roling stated he has “always been interested in active leadership roles,” and after two years as an ISU student government senator, he decided to run for president. Focusing on the issues of being readily accessible to the student body and on student graduate debt, Roling and Dobbels were elected to president and vice president, respectively. They were sworn in April 5.
As a Prince of Peace Prep student, Roling was very involved in student council. A member all four years, he was student council president his senior year. He also was chosen in his senior year to attend Boys State in Camp Dodge in Des Moines, where he was given the role of a Supreme Court justice.
Roling believes he was well prepared for college “because Prince of Peace is very challenging academically.” He believes that the many extracurricular opportunities Prince of Peace offers helped him adapt to a busy college schedule and gave him “an opportunity to be involved in a wide range of things.”
At Iowa State, Roling intends to graduate with a double major in chemical engineering and math. With graduate school in the near future, he hopes to stay in the Midwest long-term.
Luke’s parents are residents of Clinton. Sharon is director of student services and campus minister at Prince of Peace Schools and Steve is a certified public accountant.