Spotlight on campus ministry: SAU students begin their journey as Ambrosians

Students from St. Ambrose University in Davenport participate in a candlelight Mass before Christmas break last school year.

By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

DAVENPORT — Students attending the St. Ambrose University convocation and blessing Aug. 14 were to receive a bracelet with symbols of a cross, beehive and bee on it. The bracelet “signifies the beginning of their journey as Ambrosians,” said Tammy Norcross-Reitzler, director of campus ministry. A cookout for families was to follow before families said goodbye to their college student.

Father Dale Mallory, the university’s new chaplain, looks forward to welcoming all students to Mass and adoration in Christ the King Chapel. For the fall semester, he will celebrate daily Mass at 12:15 p.m. on Monday, 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday and 9:15 p.m. on Wednesday (with food and music to follow). He will celebrate Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. “We have confession twice a week in the chapel — Wednesdays from 8-8:45 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30-9:30 p.m. during our weekly holy hour of adoration,” he said.

He will invite students to step up to be lectors, cantors and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, “as well as singers and musicians for our choir and praise and worship band. Starting this school year, we are also looking for students to be altar servers for our Sunday Mass.” People interested in joining the Church or who desire to receive the sacrament of confirmation may do their preparation through campus ministry, Father Mallory said. All students, living on or off campus, are welcome to participate in campus ministry events, Norcross-Reitzler said. The chapel’s gathering space is a quiet place to study between classes or with friends, she added.


The university’s Peer Campus Ministers (PCMs) program, now in its eighth year, represents campus ministry in the residence halls, with 12 students serving as PCMs. The program began with 10 PCMs but expanded to 12 to serve new students in the freshmen halls better and to provide leaders in the campus apartments where the upper-class students reside. “We meet twice a month as a group for prayer, faith sharing and planning,” Norcross-Reitzler said.

For the past few years, PCMs have focused on building relationships across campus rather than concentrating on programs. “We know that many college students are lonely, so we are trying hard to be sure that students are seen, known, understood and loved. When that happens, students are more likely to attend a retreat or come pray with us,” Norcross-Reitzler said.

Nicky Gant, coordinator of service and justice, said she helps create events and opportunities for students to be a part of campus ministry through Mass, Bible study, service opportunities, music ministry and club meetings. “We also make a point of showing up to events on campus where we can meet and start to build relationships with as many students as possible.”

For example, campus ministry and Ambrosians for Peace & Justice will host a booth at the club fest later this month. “We want students to know we genuinely care and want to get to know them,” Gant said. Ambrosians for Peace & Justice is a student-led club and an outreach of campus ministry that meets weekly to focus on making the world a better place through service, advocacy and community building.

Brynn Beenblossom, the new graduate assistant for campus ministry plans to give out snowcones in exchange for prayer intentions as the school year starts.

She added that campus ministry also plans service trips held during spring break throughout the U.S.

This Friday, Aug. 16, students will have the opportunity to participate in BeeComing Ambrosian Day, Gant said, which provides community outreach and service. “We want students to know from the beginning of their time here that community outreach is an important part of what it means to be Ambrosian.”


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