By Lindsay Steele
The Catholic Messenger
IOWA CITY — “On Iowa” week offers first-year and transfer students at the University of Iowa an opportunity to make friends and become acclimated to campus life through dozens of official events, from bracelet making to facility tours.
Organizations such as Newman Catholic Student Center can broaden their outreach to students looking for a place to belong. “On Iowa is a widely publicized event that all incoming students know about,” said Carly Seller, Newman Center’s development associate. “It’s helped us get our name out there.”
Located near the heart of campus, Newman Center aims to help students become disciples for the Church and the world through educational programs, social justice activities, retreats, active participation in the liturgy and leadership opportunities.
Newman Center began submitting events to the On Iowa schedule in 2022. More than 150 people participated in Newman Center’s “Bump, Set, Spike” volleyball event on the Pentacrest that year and more than 100 people attended Thursday Night Mass (TNM) and kickball.
This year’s volleyball event will take place on the Pentacrest Aug. 21 from 6-8 p.m., and a Mass and bonfire on Aug. 22 from 9-11 p.m.
The On Iowa events serve as a foot in the door for many students, Catholic and non-Catholic. “Students are most drawn to spaces where they can find a community they can relate to,” Seller observes. Some students are hesitant to come to Mass on their own and they become more involved after developing friendships within the Newman Center community. “When a student comes to something like our bonfire event, it’s all about building relationships from there and continuing to create opportunities for the community to gather.”
Student Ellie Hyten attended the volleyball event two years ago, hoping to find a faith community on campus. The event exceeded her expectations as she connected with missionaries and formed connections with other young people seeking Christ. “I realized how special the community is here and knew that I had to get more involved.” She is now a student leader at Newman Center, serving as the 2024-25 Service and Social Justice Fellow. “I hope that new students will come to our events and know they are welcomed and loved by everyone at Newman!”
Staff and student leaders, including Outreach Fellow Liv Jackson, team up to organize Newman Center’s On Iowa events. Jackson participated in the inaugural volleyball event in 2022 and was impressed by the low-pressure nature of the event, as well as the friendliness and joy of the participants. “It feels very special to have this full-circle moment,” she said. “I now get to be the person who I wanted to meet as a freshman to another person. I hope that everyone feels welcome, seen and accepted no matter their background, beliefs or personalities.”
Additional back-to-school events at Newman Center include the annual ice cream social Aug. 24 from 4-6 p.m. A new “Grill and Chill” event on Aug. 25 from noon to 2 p.m. will offer participants a free barbeque lunch and opportunities to participate in outdoor and indoor activities and to explore what Newman Center has to offer. A Labor Day canoe trip, led by Newman Center’s priest director, Father Jeff Belger, is also a great way for new and transfer students to get to know the community in a relaxed setting, Seller said. “It’s our desire that students are aware from the start that the Newman Center is their home.”
“Newman isn’t just for a certain type of person; it is for everyone,” Jackson said. “I hope everyone walks away from our events feeling that the door to the Newman Center is always open!”