Letters to the Editor: Aug. 15, 2024


Love and mercy
The opening night of the 2024 Paris Olympics brought forth one of the worst anti-Catholic presentations in modern times when drag queens mocked the Last Supper and the sacrament of the Eucharist in front of a world-wide audience. Leaders of many faiths and backgrounds, including Jews, Muslims and Christians, condemned this mockery.

One of the best comments came from Pope Francis, who stated that he was “saddened” by the mockery. I believe the word “saddened” captures the heart of Jesus, saddened often by the rejection of his perfect love and mercy offered to all. Jesus instituted the sacrament of Eucharist during the Last Supper to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages. His death on the cross was an act of love for humanity.

This perfect love, the body and blood of Jesus, is offered to each of us and to the whole world at every Mass. In perfect unity with Jesus, we offer our whole selves to the Father and to the world. Just as Jesus prayed for the Roman soldiers who nailed him to the cross, “forgive them Father, for they do not know what they are doing,” we too must extend love and mercy to others.

We offer our lives to Jesus so that his love and mercy live in and through us. We are to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him. True Christianity is not just warm and comforting thoughts. True Christianity is total abandonment of selfishness out of love for our heavenly Father and for others. If we die to ourselves, love and mercy will transform our families, our parishes, our communities and the world.
Mike Gannon
St. Thomas More Church, Coralville


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