Name: Tracey Jacobsen
Job title(s): Administrative Assistant to Human Resources and Clergy Suite
Contact information: jacobsen@davenportdiocese.org; 563-888-4240
What is your role for the Chancery? I am here to help the five departments in the diocese to which I have been assigned and also the parishes.
What do you find most rewarding about your position? I love being able to help people. I love learning new things so that I am better able to help people.
What do you find most challenging about your position? It is a good challenge learning about the parishes and people of the diocese, as well as health insurance, the different stages of priestly formation and ways to help the parishes.
What question do people most often ask you? What departments do you work with? It is actually Human Resources, Deacon Formation, Vocations, Diaconate and Evangelization.