CSB supports Diocesan capital campaign

Barb Arland-Fye
Diocesan Administrator Father Ken Kuntz, left, and Chris Gallin distribute Communion at the Outing Club in Davenport earlier this month.

By Barb Arland-Fye
The Catholic Messenger

Davenport — Abundant sales at Cinderella’s Cellar, their volunteer-run resale store, inspired the Catholic Service Board (CSB) to contribute $20,000 to the “Upon This Rock” capital campaign of the Diocese of Davenport.

CSB, a charitable organization that supports the Kahl Home and other nonprofit organizations, announced the donation during an end-of-year luncheon May 1 at the Outing Club, making a presentation with an oversized check. “The Diocese of Davenport is humbled by this check,” said Mike Poster, a member of the Diocesan Finance Council, who accepted the $20,000 gift on behalf of the diocese. Also present was Diocesan Administrator Father Ken Kuntz, who presided at Mass before the luncheon.

While the active phase of the $28 million capital campaign has concluded, donors are making payments over the course of several years. The CSB contribution assists the diocese in its three-fold capital campaign goal of providing for priests’ retirement and health care funding, seminarian education and formation, and strengthening parishes. “This wonderful gift of $20,000 will help us meet those goals,” Poster said.


“We had done so well at the Cellar in our sales,” said Kristyn Tjaden, past president of the CSB Board of Directors. “We worked hard and raised a lot of money.”  While the CSB exists to support the Kahl Home, it also embraces the Catholic faith, Tjaden said. As the board contemplated the donations it would make this year, its members asked, “How can we best serve our diocese? … How can we support our Catholic mission?”

Catholic women of the diocese founded the CSB more than 70 years ago to benefit Catholic Charities. Through the years, its board members have remained committed to enriching and enhancing the lives of others, concentrating on the residents of the Kahl Home since the late 1950s. With the blessing of then-Bishop Gerald O’Keefe, the board opened Cinderella’s Cellar in 1974 at the St. Vincent Center to sell gently used clothing and household items to support their charitable activities. Cinderella’s Cellar moved to its current location, 230 W 35th St. Davenport, in 2004.

CSB members invite women in the diocese to join the organization for fellowship, fun and to assist its endeavors to support the Kahl Home in Davenport and other nonprofit organizations. Members have the opportunity to assist Kahl Home residents with social activities such as bingo. Members may also operate the treat cart and volunteer at the gift shop. The group meets monthly to discuss projects and attend Mass. For more information about membership, contact CSB Vice President Pam Brandt at pambrandt8@gmail.com or 563-505-9305.

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