Name: Sarah Callahan
Job title: Coordinator of Social Media and Webmaster
Contact information:
What is your role for the Chancery? I maintain the social media pages and website for the Diocese of Davenport. I also research best practices of social media and am constantly looking for ways to improve and expand our reach. I also serve as a resource to parishes to help them brainstorm ideas for their social media pages.
What do you find most rewarding about your position? I love the creative process, so when I get to collaborate with parishes and see them get excitement and new ideas for their own social media, it is deeply enriching and rewarding for me. I also love designing and curating content — it’s like piecing together a puzzle!
What do you find most challenging about your position? It can be difficult to constantly be coming up with fresh ideas and creating output. When I feel like I’m in a creative slump, I have to remember that I need to get some input. I usually try to read articles, a few pages from a book, brainstorm with a colleague or explore a few model social media pages that I can look to for inspiration.
What question do people most often ask you? I think since social media is such a vast topic that I don’t get asked the same thing too many times. Most questions that I am asked are specific to people’s local situation. I like answering these types of questions because one, I can tailor my answer to speak to the situation of that parish, school, etc., and two, since the answers are specific I feel like they can go a long way. Plus, I am able to build rapport with the person asking!