Chancery Profiles: Beth Longlett



Name: Beth Longlett
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Finance Department.
Contact information:, (563) 888-4368
What is your role for the Chancery? I assist the Finance Department with data entry and parishioners with donation/account clarifications. I also set up and monitor online giving contributions, help facilitate, track and review the annual Ritzinger scholarship program and help with the annual diocesan collections. I fill in at the reception desk and perform other administrative tasks as assigned.
What do you find most rewarding about your position? The ability and opportunity to grow in my position and to collaborate with other departments. I appreciate the confidence my colleagues express in my abilities (very rewarding — and motivating!).
What do you find most challenging about your position? Clear communication with my Finance team members, language barrier when working at the reception desk and learning the software programs we use. Working from home sometimes is a challenge because hard-copy documents are at the office and I have to remember to bring my laptop back to the office!
What question do people most often ask you? From staff: “How’s the knee coming along?” From parishioners: “Can you check my pledge balance?”

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