Chancery Profiles: Lynne Devaney



Name: Lynne Devaney
Job title: Superintendent of Schools
Contact information:, 563-888-4231
What is your role for the Chancery? Superintendent
What do you find most rewarding about your position? Being present to the Catholic schools of the diocese, particularly to the administrators. Every single person involved in our Catholic schools contributes in a different way but the vocation of Catholic school administrator requires a special kind of person and set of skills. The principal serves as the center for the pastor, students, faculty, staff, parents, Board of Education, diocese and parish in a way that no other position does … principals matter! So the chance to collaborate with them to help them serve their community is a wonderful opportunity. 
What do you find most challenging about your position? Sometimes it does feel a bit like Whack-a-Mole. A person in this position has to be prepared to deal with everything from discipline to instruction to finances to faith formation to board organization. A little bit of everything!
 What question do people most often ask you? It depends on the time of the school year. At the beginning of the year, many questions are about access to resources and how to use them. In November and December, questions are about budgeting and finance. In January and February, there are questions about enrollment, faculty and staff contracts/job agreements and perhaps non-renewal of staff. In the spring, we talk about financial support for students with the ESA and STO.  I’m not sure I get one consistent question … maybe … where’s Lynne today?

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