Iowa youth conference is March 24


By Lindsay Steele
The Catholic Messenger

The Iowa Catholic Youth Conference (ICYC) will take place on Palm Sunday this year, offering middle-schoolers a chance to unpack the Paschal mystery with their peers. “This is an opportunity to encounter Christ, experience the unity of faith and celebrate who we are as Catholics,” said Trevor Pullinger, diocesan director of faith formation and catechesis coordinator.

The daylong conference, themed “United,” will take place March 24 at Regina Catholic Education Center in Iowa City and is open to youths in grades 6-8 and their parents.

Ohio-based Catholic pop duo The Scally Brothers will guide participants during the high-energy, hands-on and experience-oriented conference, Pullinger said. “We are focusing on the lived experience and witness of personal faith, which the Scally Brothers will bring for us in spades.” Pullinger believes the duo has a similar appeal to the popular band “for KING & COUNTRY,” which performed at the National Catholic Youth Conference last year.


According to The Scally Brothers’ website, Jake and Zack Scally “share a special heart for youth ministry and young adults. (They) strongly believe that their mission is to revive the youth of the Church and bring a new energy to its people.”

ICYC will begin with the Kerygma proclamation (Gospel invitation), followed by a general session with The Scally Brothers, Mass with Archbishop Thomas Zinkula presiding, separate breakout sessions for youths and parents, and lunch. An afternoon general session with time for personal witness and reflection will build into a concert experience with The Scally Brothers. Participants will receive a blessing at the close of the conference.

The Archdiocese of Dubuque and the Diocese of Davenport sponsor this annual event. The cost is $55 for participants who register before March 1. For more information, contact your parish or go to

Pullinger hopes participants will leave the conference knowing that they are not alone in facing the challenges of life. “There are going to be times that we all face the cross. Hopefully, when we face that cross, we can do so knowing that there is a community of faith supporting us.”

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