More impressions of NCYC

Two youths from St. John Vianney Parish-Bettendorf enjoy the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indiana earlier this month.

Logan Vittetoe, St. Thomas More Parish-Coralville.  He was inspired to attend because of stories that recently retired Youth Minister Michelle Montgomery told about previous NCYCs (she also participated in this one). “I wanted to have the same great experience they all had.” He enjoyed “singing along with all of the songs and just having a fun time” during a concert by featured music duo, “For King & Country.” He also appreciated a breakout session about learning to experience Christ’s presence. The session “was really beneficial and I could really relate to that one. I’m just really glad I went to that.”

Abby Perry, St. Mary Parish-Albia. After making her first NCYC two years ago, “I just had so much fun that I had to come back.” She loved seeing host Steve Angrisano perform again. “Steve is so cool. Steve is so awesome.”

Sawyer Greiner, St. Mary Parish-Oxford. He was invited to go onstage to participate in a magic act in front of more than 13,000 people. “I was kind of scared. It was nerve-racking. But, I liked the magic.” He didn’t understand how the magician pulled off some of his tricks, “but it was fun.” Sawyer also looked forward to attending the “Dear God, my family is weird, please send help!” breakout session, which promised to offer practical conversation starters and insights to help navigate through the difficult issues every family faces.

Taylor Smith, St. Thomas More Parish-Coralville. She said she recently grew closer to God during a confirmation retreat. “I thought this would be a

Sarah Callahan
Youths from St. Thomas More Parish-Coralville don green capes and hats during the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indiana earlier this month.

great event to make my relationship even better with God.” She enjoyed making new friends and seeing the band “For King & Country” perform.

Maggie Burchett, St. Paul the Apostle Parish-Davenport. She attended her first NCYC two years ago and felt that “in the last two years I’ve changed a lot. I wanted to come back as (someone) with a deeper faith.” She also wanted to make new friends and deepen relationships with people she knows.

— Sarah Callahan

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