Catholic Messenger earns seven honors in Catholic media awards ceremony


By Lindsay Steele
The Catholic Messenger

The Catholic Messenger received seven awards in this year’s Catholic Media Association Awards competition. Results were announced July 7 during the Catholic Media Con­ference in Portland, Oregon. The Catholic Media Association, of which the Mess­enger is a member, includes nearly 250 publications and 500 individuals.

Judges awarded first place for “Best Editorial on a National or International Issue” to Barb Arland-Fye for her editorial, “Kids stranded at the border: it is our problem.” This award encompasses all weekly member publications with 1-5 full-time staff members. A judge said of the editorial: “The writer’s opinion is defined and built in a highly detailed, relevant piece. Not only is the opinion thoroughly researched, the editorial adds important biblical principles. The writer also goes the extra step to provide concrete solutions readers can take.”

Judges awarded third place for “Best Coverage — Immigration” to Arland-Fye and Diocesan Reporter Lindsay Steele for two stories, “A young immigrant’s budding success story” and “A spotlight on refugee life,” and an editorial, “Kids stranded at the border: it is our problem.” The entry for this category, open to all member publications and freelancers, required submission of three items (article, column, and/or editorial). A judge said of the coverage: “This is an excellent series that comes alive through profiles that humanize the issues at the heart of the so-called refugee crisis, along with explanatory sidebars and an editorial, [providing a call to] action that both enlightens and rallies readers.”


Additionally, Arland-Fye earned third place for Best Editorial on a Local Issue for “Closing the gap in juvenile justice.” This award encompasses all weekly member publications with 1-5 full-time staff members. A judge commented: “This editorial is thoroughly researched and offers detailed citing and explanation of opposing arguments.”

The Catholic Messenger received honorable mentions in the following categories:


• Best Coverage — Political Issues (package of three items, encompasses all member publications and freelance members): Arland-Fye for “Advocates call for balanced approach to juvenile justice,” “Close the gap in juvenile justice” and “Ask Miller-Meeks to support Dream Act 2021.”

• Best Analysis/Back­ground/ Round-Up News Writing (encompasses weekly member publications with 1-5 full-time staff members): Arland-Fye for “Re­flecting carefully on the issue of gender; A deacon family’s journey with transgenderism.”

• Best Coverage of Pro-Life Issues (package of three items, encompasses all member publications and freelance members): Steele and Arland-Fye for “No such thing as too much love,” “A labor of love” and “All these children want is to be loved.”

• Best News Writing on a Local or Regional Event (encompasses weekly member publications with 1-5 full-time staff members): Arland-Fye for “Advocates call for a balanced approach to juvenile justice.”

The purpose of the awards competition is to acknowledge the outstanding work of its publisher and communication members as they strive to further the mission of the Church. Member print publications reach 10 million households plus countless others through members’ websites and social media outlets. On a daily basis, they inform, inspire and educate readers keeping them connected to their faith, and telling the story of the Church.

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