To the Editor:
I read “The challenging puzzle of gender dysphoria” by Father Thom Hennen, in the March 17 issue of The Catholic Messenger with great interest. It goes without saying that gender dysphoria is real and very painful to those who experience it and to their families. Of course, we need to be compassionate, as Christ is, and try to understand and listen to those affected by it. I am glad that Bishop Thomas Zinkula and Father Hennen are working with a diocesan-wide committee to address these issues. They are very important and the stories need to be told.
But I can’t help but wonder as I read the article, where is the truth of Scripture and the magisterium of the Church in these discussions? Scripture tells us in Genesis 2 that God made two sexes, male and female, and we say in the creeds that he creates us. Biology tells us that our sex is determined at conception, not birth. According to the magisterium of the Catholic Church, these are truths of our faith. Aren’t they part of this discussion as well? Will this truth be a part of the committee discussions and whatever comes out to the diocese at large?
Thank you for addressing my concerns.
Jane Campagna