To the Editor:
Regarding Reader’s Opinions in the Aug. 26 issue of The Catholic Messenger, I wish to call out Gale Francione and Donald Moeller for their excellent letters on racism. Racism is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, persecution, based on racialism.” So, while racialism is a doctrine, belief or teaching that asserts the superiority of one race over another, racism involves policies or actions based on that belief.
Gale and Donald gave practical examples of how racism has played out in the laws and policies of this country as well as in personal actions such as when neighbors express concern that some houses in the area have been sold to Blacks.
Racialism and racism still exist in our society. As Catholic Christians, who are commanded by the Gospel to love God and our neighbor, I believe it is our duty to educate ourselves on racialism and racism and do our best to eradicate these twin evils from the fabric of our society.
Joe Gross
Donahue, Iowa