Support preborn life with courage

To the Editor:
“If abortion isn’t wrong, then nothing is.”
“Si hacer un aborto no está mal, entonces nada de lo que se puede hacer, está mal.” – St. Mother Teresa of Kolkata
Can you hear the cries of the preborn humans as they are being torn from their mothers? Can you hear the wails of the tragically exploited women?

Christ weeps! Our merciful and just God sees who is responsible for more babies dying through abortion during a year than all persons dying with COVID-19. Is it the media, the profiteers, the courts, the voters, the guardians/parents, the selfish, the predators, the schools, the civic leaders, the church?

The dignity of human life from its beginning to its natural end is foundational. Catholic parents, teachers, journalists, all who bear the indelible mark of baptism have the clarion call to speak the truth, especially of the ongoing genocide of 53,000,000+ American preborn lives. We look to our religious, priests, bishops and pope to rise above all politics, awaken our world and fill the huge moral void with Catholic principles. We must have our spiritual leaders, entrusted by the Holy Spirit, pick up their cross not counting the costs as they speak the truth with clarity, intensity and courage. Praying that none will be afraid for they have the validation and protection of an awesome God.

Charlene Merritt

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