To the Editor:
I was so appalled by the article about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s views I am considering ending my subscription to the Messenger. It is in vogue to equate many conservative actions to what the Nazis did. President Trump had every legal right to protest the results of the election. I find it offensive that Schwarzenegger said the senators and representatives who questioned election results were “complicit” in the Capitol insurrection. It is extremely troubling to me that liberals are so quick to censure and ban those who disagree with their views. I hope you realize you do have some conservative subscribers who want unbiased reporting.
Ingrid Waters
Editor’s note:
The Catholic Messenger strives to provide news that both conservatives and liberals will view as unbiased. The Catholic Church does not take the side of conservatives or liberals, but rather the side of Jesus Christ in the Gospel. We need readers to remind us how they perceive we are doing in conveying news to people of faith in our diocese. We hope all of you will continue to keep abreast of the news in The Catholic Messenger.