To the Editor:
I have been a member of Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish in Davenport for over 27 years. During this time, I have considered our parish to be one most dedicated to social justice. One organization within our parish most definitely concerned with social justice is the St. Martin de Porres Society.
The society takes its name from St. Martin de Porres, the patron saint of mixed-race people, barbers, innkeepers, public health workers and all those seeking racial harmony.
Until this year, I had not considered becoming a member of this society. I didn’t recognize its purpose nor feel a reason to participate. Most recently, given the occurrences in the U.S. that have made us more aware of systemic racism and how it continues to exist, I have come to recognize the importance of educating the larger populous and myself on this subject.
We cannot hide from it anymore. The opportunity is now and we as Catholics must become more proactive in our efforts to rid our society of the racist attitudes that have continued throughout our country’s history. St. Martin de Porres Society wishes to expand its membership to include more parish members as well as members from other parishes. Now that more people have become knowledgeable on the use of tools to communicate remotely through the internet, we believe it is possible to include members from throughout our Diocese of Davenport. Contact Thomas Mason IV, the society’s president, at thomasmason1928@gmail. com for more information.
I urge you to learn more about this organization and find out how you can play a part in educating yourself, your family and your parish for the good of future generations.
Jim Tiedje