Br. Matthew professes solemn vows

Brother Matthew Marie (Nick Marie), a native of Washington, Iowa, professes solemn vows at Conception Abbey in Conception, Mo., before Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB, of Conception Abbey.

CONCEPTION, Mo. — Washington, Iowa, native Brother Matthew Marie (Nick Marie), OSB, professed solemn vows as a monk at Conception Abbey on Sept. 7. Brother Luke Kral, OSB, also professed vows.

The two took perpetual commitments to live as monks of Conception’s Benedictine monastery, vowing obedience, stability and conversion of life.

Br. Matthew attended Conception Seminary College and began his novitiate in November 2015. He professed simple vows in November 2016 and began work in the business office and is currently welcoming visitors to the Abbey Guest Center.

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