To the editor:
Recently I was made aware of some very interesting information and I would like to share it with you.
Did you know that if you killed a pre-born sea turtle you would be fined $100,000 and could spend a year in prison?
And did you know that if you killed a pre-born bald eagle you would be fined $250,000 and could spend two years in prison?
But if you were to kill a pre-born human being – a tiny baby in its mother’s womb – there is no penalty whatsoever.
What’s wrong with this comparison? I know you’ll say, “But abortion is legal.” I say, abortion is what’s wrong with our country. Wake up people! We no longer value human life. We are destroying ourselves and our country. Over 55 million babies have been murdered this way. It has to stop.
The most dangerous place for a baby to be today is in its mother’s womb. Babies should be loved, cherished and protected. They have a God-given right to life and to grow with a family who loves them.
Ruth Weber