To the Editor:
I have enjoyed reading The Catholic Messenger for many years. I find your articles thought provoking and uplifting. So, I was surprised and upset at what appeared on Page 6 of the Feb. 15 issue with a picture of President Donald Trump with the caption: “Acts of love, courage are signs of God’s grace.”
Mr. Trump stated, “Through grace, let us resolve ourselves to ask for an extra measure of strength and devotion and seek a more just and peaceful world where every child can grow up without fear. As long as we open our eyes to God’s grace and open our hearts to God’s love, then America will always be the land of the free, home of the brave and light for all nations.”
This is a man who says one thing and does the opposite and should be leading by example. This is a man who, by his own admission, stated that he has never asked for forgiveness in his entire life. He is in favor of building a HUGE wall to keep people of different races and religion from entering our country; a man who has been married three times and who has openly disrespected women. He supported HUGE tax breaks for the rich and big corporations at the expense of the poor.
I often wonder what Jesus would say about this type of behavior? The answers, I believe, are clearly laid out in Scripture and the tenets of our Catholic faith. Instead of tweeting and putting people down, it would do him well to read them and follow Christ’s example.
Mary Schepker
North Liberty