Guns are not the problem


To the editor:

Sister Phyllis Morris, OSF, wrote a wonderfully bleeding heart tirade against guns (March 8, The Catholic Messenger). As if guns were the problem! As if laws could solve that problem!

Sister, do you not understand that every fall 9 million hunters take to the fields with guns? Where is the slaughter of innocent children? Rabbits, ducks, squirrels, deer, yes. Many great meals, I might add. It is not the gun that causes the problem. Laws will never keep guns out of the hands of those who believe murder is their right.

Where is the hue and cry as we have watched religion, moral values and responsibility being stripped from our schools, families and the public square?


“Thou shalt not kill” was a commandment written in the book of the God whom our founders honored and respected. Our founders made his book the foundation of their education. Where is this book now?

Has anyone noticed?? Murder is not in proportion to the number of guns owned — and used. Our dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is being smothered by violence in the direct proportion that we have allowed religion, moral values and family responsibilities to be driven from our schools and from the public square. Murder is done in the proportion that we have allowed the voice of our churches to be silenced. We must teach carrying the cross of responsibilities before the continual selfish demanding of one’s perceived rights.

Return “thou shalt not kill” as a moral value to our schools and to society. “Love one another” and the other nine might also be a good idea.

Ruth Johnson

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