By Lindsay Steele
The Catholic Messenger
WASHINGTON — Students, parents and staff of St. James Catholic School donated items for victims of Hurricane Harvey last month with the help of the local Fareway store.

St. James Catholic School Maintenance Director Francisco Lopez, students Kylee Glover and Cecelia Mitchell, and Fareway staff pose for a picture with boxes of donated items for Hurricane Harvey relief last month.
The school filled up two pickup truck beds with boxes of diapers, baby bottles, formula, canned food, pet food, sanitary items, wipes, stuffed animals, first aid kits and clothing. School Secretary Becky Adam, Maintenance Director Francisco Lopez and students Kylee Glover and Cecelia Mitchell coordinated and packed the boxes and delivered all items to the Washington Fareway Store in mid-September. There, Fareway staff moved the boxes into a semi-truck trailer to be sent to HACAP in the Houston area.
“St. James School was very proud and excited to know that they helped many flood victims with their generous donations to Texas,” said Principal Beth McBride. “The school continues to pray for all of the many people affected” by recent natural disasters.