To the Editor:
Is our global population being deliberately “duped” by the “Divide and Conquer” actions of politicians? A “Divide and Conquer” mantra of any politician or citizen means that we the people lose.
“Divide and Conquer” is manifested when we pit political party against party, thus conquering any opportunity for discussing or voting on an agenda that benefits the American or global populations.
Some politicians may see their role in an investigative process as an excuse to avoid discussing and/or voting on controversial legislative issues. Elected officials must be set free to bid on legislation that benefits the people.
It is easier for politicians to blame others than to acknowledge their failure to complete their constitutional duties. Congress’ peace and justice biddings are related to our healthcare, federal budget, immigration policy, environmental resources and safety, minimum wages, infrastructure rebuilding, and more.
In order for Congress to be set free to bid, politicians and citizens must welcome any independent counsel, commission, or investigative committee whose role is to preserve and defend our U.S. Constitution.
Get or stay involved in politics. Demand accountability from your elected leaders. Badger them. Write postcards, phone them, visit their office and speak up at town hall meetings. Stay informed with all credible media resources. Don’t limit your resources to any bias. Let your concerns be known through all the media.
We need only to consult history to see that the “Divide and Conquer” concept may have worked toward the rise of Julius Caesar, but to the demise of the Mighty Roman Empire. Please, let’s not let history repeat itself!
Annamarie Marcalus
Iowa City