To the Editor:
Sister Judy Herold has retired as the pastoral associate of St. Anthony Parish in Davenport. For the last 10 years, Sr. Judy has guided the parish toward becoming a community of intentional disciples. Dorothy Day said: “We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.”
As I looked around the room at Sr. Judy’s retirement celebration in the parish center, I noticed how many parishioners I had gotten to know and love. Doing so reminded me of something Sr. Judy often said to me about being patient and letting things grow organically. Love is the bond of perfection and it often takes time for love to grow in such a way that it won’t easily be broken.
Sr. Judy’s love, prayers and support for the parishioners of St. Anthony Parish helped us to grow into the community we are today. Sr. Judy planted many, many seeds that will continue to grow by the light of the Holy Spirit. Sr. Judy said she is “re-tiring,” that is, she is getting new tires. She knows the Holy Spirit is doing the driving. Joy is the surest sign of the Holy Spirit. If you ever want to take a joy ride, all you need do is spend some time with Sr. Judy Herold!
Carrie Delcourt
Milan, Ill.