To the Editor:
First, Father Bud Grant spends his whole column (April 20) touting the benefits of an open mind, then in one sentence reveals that he didn’t believe any of it. Calling those skeptical of the risks of man-made global warming “deniers” clearly shows his bias and lack of an open mind. That term associated with the Holocaust has been adopted by the left to denigrate anyone who disagrees with them and shuts down debate. None of the models on which the global warming theory is based match today’s climate. All the models show less impact of man-made CO2 now than when first developed. Satellite measurements, the most accurate climate measurements available, do not show warming and recent studies show little if any increase in sea level rise.
Second, stick to the facts in your editorial. No one that I am aware of has recommended any change in the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act laws that would “render these laws meaningless.” Are there no changes to the environmental regulations that can be tolerated? Is total control of our economy the only way to manage man-made global warming, if it does exist? What about adaptation? What about China and India, who have not agreed to reduce anything under the Paris accords? You could eliminate the United States CO2 emissions entirely and, according to the models, it would have no impact on the earth’s temperature.
I breathe the air and drink the water. I want clean air and water for my grandchildren. After spending 40 years in the environmental field, I know that many changes could be made to our environmental laws and regulations to make them more efficient and less costly to implement without jeopardizing the tremendous improvements we have made in our environment. You need to be open to discussing that.
Mike McGuire