Bishop’s Statement on Executive Orders Relating to Immigration


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I, along with other bishops across the country, join the voice of Bishop Joe Vasquez, Chair of the Committee of Migration and Refugees for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, regarding the actions of President Trump concerning our dealings with Mexico and refugees.

Bishop Amos

As Bishop Vasguez said:  “The announced increase in immigration detention space and immigration enforcement activities i s alarming.   It will tear families apart and spark fear and panic in communities.   While we respect the rights of our federal government to control our borders and ensure security for all American s, we do not believe that a large scale escalation of immigrant detention and intensive increased use of enforcement in immigrant communities is the way to achieve those goals.  Instead, we remain firm in our commitment to comprehensive, compassionate and common-sense reform.”

We live in a world that is truly global, mutually dependent upon other nations as consumers of US products, suppliers of components in products assembled here, and the exchange of labor and talent to meet the needs of all.


We have been led to fear the other rather than to embrace the richness of our immigrant history. Even in our own schools this fear has led to incidents of bullying students, and we hear of the many who now live in fear; children fearful of the sudden disappearance of parents, and parents not knowing what will happen to their children.

The Holy Father has repeatedly called for respect and support for immigrants and refugees.  We assure those who are fearful or our loyalty and support.

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. Martin Amos

Bishop of Davenport


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