Renewable fuel standard vital to Iowa


In a highly charged election season, it’s difficult to find many issues that both Republicans and Democrats agree on. However, one thing that we can all agree with is that the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is critical to Iowa’s economy and long-term growth.
According to a recent report, the RFS supports more than 43,000 jobs throughout Iowa and generates $2.3 billion worth of income for Iowa households. The RFS also accounts for more than $4.6 billion of Iowa GDP, which is about 3.5 percent of the state’s economy. With agriculture being the heart of rural Iowa, ethanol production and the RFS has grown our communities and strengthened families.
Not only does the RFS contribute a great deal to Iowa’s economy and rural communities, it also helps to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil. Ethanol has shown through the RFS, that it’s a viable source to cut down on the amount of oil that we use in fuel and other products.
We’re lucky to have an ethanol plant in Muscatine that employs many of our friends and neighbors and pays them a good wage. It is a vital part of our local economy.
That’s why I was so disturbed to hear that a presidential candidate is seeking alternatives to replace the RFS. Reports have shown that replacing the RFS with a low carbon fuel standard would effectively kill Iowa’s ability to export ethanol.
A strong RFS leads to a strong economy, good-paying jobs and more tax revenue for things like education and public safety.
I’m proud to support the RFS and I encourage our leaders and candidates at the federal level to continue to protect this crucial piece of Iowa’s economy. Iowa families and businesses are counting on a strong RFS.
Iowa Rep. Ross Paustian,

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