Burlington Faith Fest set for Aug. 4-6


By Emmaline Jurgena
The Catholic Messenger

Lindsay Steele/file Diane Mahoney, directs the crowd during Mass at Crapo Park in Burlington during Ss. John & Paul’s Faith Fest from last year’s event on Aug. 8, 2015.
Lindsay Steele/file
Diane Mahoney, directs the crowd during Mass at Crapo Park in Burlington during Ss. John & Paul’s Faith Fest from last year’s event on Aug. 8, 2015.

The Burlington Faith Festival will be held Aug. 4-6 at the city’s Crapo Park bandshell. Festival organizers say that the weekend will be an occasion to celebrate faith and community. This will be the third year for the event; since its inception the weekend has been popular among the faith community, drawing hundreds of people last year, organizers said.
The three days of festivities will feature speakers and musical entertainment beginning at 6:30 p.m. each night. The festival will kick off Thursday with Tony Miller, a Burlington native, speaking about his “Journey of Faith.” Crossroads Worship Team will provide musical entertainment.
Friday will feature Erin Stott giving an inspirational talk titled “I Choose Gratitude and Butterflies for Makynna.” Makynna is Stott’s daughter, who passed away. Friday’s musical entertainment will be Aaron Luttenegger accompanied by his worship team.
On Saturday morning, attendees are invited to participate in the Cross Connection Walk/Run from 9-11 a.m. At 4:30 p.m. Mass will be concelebrated by Father Marty Goetz and Father Bill Roush at the bandshell. It will be immediately followed by a community picnic to which everyone is asked to bring a side dish. Aaron and Jade Lutzow will provide music during the picnic. Evening festivities will feature Andy Avery speaking about his recovery-based ministry. He and his band will perform after the talk.
Heather Tieman, director of evangelization, renewal and RCIA for the Des Moines County Catholic Parishes, has attended the faith festival for the past two years, prior to directing this year’s weekend. She describes it as an ecumenical event where all denominations are welcome, noting that Crossroads Community Church has been very supportive in finding and coordinating musical entertainment. Ultimately, Tieman says, the festival is set up to build community in faith.
“Our main goal is to bring people together in faith and the Spirit,” Tieman said. “I’m most looking forward to seeing people come out and celebrate their faith together in the park.”

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