All lives matter


To the Editor:
We have brought a lot of problems upon ourselves because we have pushed God out of our lives, our schools, our homes and government buildings. We ignore his commandments and turn around and make our own laws.
We act like we know more than our God does! In 1973 our Supreme Court wrote a decision that legalized the evil of abortion, declaring that it was OK to take the life of a baby in the womb.Let’s call abortion by its real name: murder.
Since then over 55 million babies have been murdered here in the United States of America alone. This is something we should all be ashamed of!
We talk about the terrorists and how they are such an evil threat to the world under the “guise of religion.” We have problems here on the streets with all of the violence that has been reported in recent weeks across the country.
Yes, Black Lives Matter, Police Lives Matter, and Babies Lives Matter. “All” lives matter and are precious in God’s sight. We mourn the lives of all who have died by violence. If we were obeying God’s Fifth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” none of this would have happened.
We will all have to answer for our actions one day.
Ruth Weber

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