Priest reinstated to active ministry


By Barb Arland-Fye
The Catholic Messenger
Father John Stack celebrated his reinstatement to active ministry with his first public Mass in 38 months on Father’s Day at the Clinton nursing home where his late father once resided.

Barb Arland-Fye Father John Stack was reinstated to active ministry as a priest after a church trial said accusations of clergy sexual abuse were not proven.
Barb Arland-Fye
Father John Stack was reinstated to active ministry as a priest after a church trial said accusations of clergy sexual abuse were not proven.

A church trial outside the diocese found that accusations of clergy sexual abuse against Fr. Stack were not proven. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith concurred with the trial judges’ finding and Bishop Martin Amos announced Fr. Stack’s reinstatement on June 15.
“I just felt that the Lord and the Blessed Mother were always close to me. I felt God was telling me, ‘you are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek,’” Fr. Stack told The Catholic Messenger in a June 20 interview. He can’t reveal details about the accusations, but says he holds no animosity toward his accusers.
Fr. Stack recalls the day — April 20, 2013 — when he learned about accusations against him. The previous day, the late Cardinal Francis George of Chicago honored Fr. Stack and other alumni of the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Ill., celebrating their 25th anniversary as priests. “That day was one of the high points of my priesthood and the next day was the lowest point of my priesthood. I was absolutely stupefied learning of the accusations.”
Bishop Amos told him that the Davenport Diocese had received a report that Fr. Stack, then chaplain at Mercy Medical Center in Clinton, inappropriately touched minors in approximately the 1980s. The diocese reported the accusations to the Scott County Attorney in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the diocese and county attorney’s office.
As required by canon law, Bishop Amos withdrew Fr. Stack from active ministry pending the outcome of an investigation. While that action is intended to protect children, an accused priest is also presumed innocent during the investigation, according to information on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website.
Because he was forbidden by church law to act in any capacity as a priest during the investigation and subsequent trial, Fr. Stack said he felt as if he were considered guilty. Immediately, he had to excuse himself from Masses he had been scheduled to celebrate, including three weddings. “I had a full calendar, and the next minute, nothing.”
The priest filled his time reading about the saints, praying Liturgy of the Hours and celebrating Mass privately in his home. Knowing what the saints had gone through and celebrating the Eucharist gave him hope. He and his sister, Cheryl Wagner, took five-mile walks together a couple of times a week. “Cheryl and her family (her husband is Deacon John Wagner) did everything they could to keep my spirits up,” Fr. Stack said.
Following the investigation, and with the recommendation of the Diocesan Review Board, Bishop Amos petitioned the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, requesting that the case be brought to trial, said Deacon David Montgomery, the diocese’s spokesman.

A trial, under canon law, follows a different legal tradition than that of the United States. A panel of three judges hears the case. The accused cleric has a canon lawyer and the prosecutor serves as promoter of justice. Witnesses are called to testify, including possible victims. Other forms of evidence are also presented. The judges deliberate together and issue one of three verdicts: guilty, innocent, or accusation not proven.
“The three judges, all from outside of the Diocese of Davenport, found that the accusations of sexual abuse of minors by Fr. Stack were not proven,” Deacon Montgomery said. “There was not a finding of innocence or guilt. In order to assure the rights of all, the decision was appealed for further review. The Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith concurred with the finding of the judges. After receiving the conclusion from the Vatican, Bishop Martin Amos will assign Father Stack to priestly ministry and service to the diocese.”
After receiving the good news, an elated Fr. Stack opened up his closet, grabbed his dust-coated clerics and put them in the washer. “He told me he was going to wear them to bed,” his sister Cheryl quipped. He didn’t, but did toy with the idea, he said.
Fr. Stack said that his 38 months away from ministry strengthened his calling to chaplaincy, and to ministering to people who enter long-term care. It humbled him.

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