To the Editor:
Life. It’s all a puzzle. We put the pieces together with God’s help. God is Trinity: Father Creator, Risen Jesus Christ, Spirit of Love flowing through everything. We are to follow the light of Jesus Christ — the embodiment of the Word of God. We are to become one with Christ — each of us individually. At the same time we are to lead others to the love of God and the imitation of Christ until we all become one in Christ. Then we go on to something else — the eternal life that our earthly minds cannot comprehend.
Our lives are a gift from God. We have been made in the image and likeness of God. We are here to do God’s will. We are to love God and one another. Having a relationship with God is necessary if we are to be obedient to the commandment to love others. When we choose “Thy will be done” our actions come from love and will be virtuous. Suffering and death are part of life. We must each cope with pain, sadness and grief, but when we know God is with us always we are able to make it through. When we die it will not be the end, but only a step in life eternal. Death is inevitable. Faith is a choice. Pope Benedict said “God exists. That is the real message of Easter.” Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Of this I am certain.
Carrie Delcourt