Freedom and choice


To the Editor:
Our society constantly battles over freedom of choice when it comes to abortion. I often wonder why that “freedom” or that “choice” can’t come into play earlier.
People who want to be free and spontaneous often opt for abortion as a back-up birth control method. We (and several people we know) have made use of the Billings method with excellent results. It is a simple mucous-testing approach also used in third world countries. It is not what has been referred to as the old rhythm method. It depends on a woman’s fingertip observation of vaginal mucous. Abstinence from intercourse is necessary only during five so-called non-dry, fertile days. All other days of a cycle are free and clear. If a couple wants a child, they can narrow the fertile dates. Both partners can easily understand the approach and it can be a joint responsibility.
In situations where an abortion is going to be performed, a fetus and a doctor will be controlling the woman’s body, and the woman may also be dependent on a post-abortion counselor. That’s not exactly free and clear freedom of choice!
Clearly this isn’t the ultimate answer, but it is another way to think about “freedom” and “choice.”
Richard Hanzelka

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