Peace Soup schedule 2016


CLINTON — Pax Christi of Prince of Peace Parish and the Sisters of St. Francis have begun their annual Peace Soup series, which offers a meal of homemade soups and variety of breads at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at St. Boniface Center during Lent, with discussions centering on the topic of peace. The meetings will focus on “Amazing Graces,” perceiving life’s obstacles as opportunities.

On Feb. 23, Catholic Messenger Editor Barb Arland-Fye will present a personal view of living with a son with autism and will share how her family has experienced grace as this reality continues to be part of her family’s journey. She has written extensively about life with Colin in her work as a journalist.

On March 1 award-winning counselor and former Mater Dei High School (Clinton) teacher Candy Reed will speak about being a parent and teacher in the Clinton Catholic schools and her present position as counselor at Garfield Elementary School in Davenport.

On March 8, the co-chairs of the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program for Eastern Iowa, Brad and Dawn Knutson, will speak. They lost their 16-year old son to suicide in 1999.


On March 15, Army chaplain and diocesan priest Father William Kneemiller will speak. Fr. Kneemiller will share his unique perspective of amazing grace including his own journey to the priesthood and 15 years as Army Reserve Chaplain deployment in the Middle East.

Details on the series are available at and at or by calling Prince of Peace Parish at (563) 242-3311 or the Sisters of St. Francis at (563) 242-7611. The series is free and open to the public.

Those attending are welcome to contribute to an on-going free-will collection for the Benevolent Society of Clinton. Paper bowls will be provided for the various soup selections, but bringing a bowl is encouraged.

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