SCRA grants announced


The Scott County Regional Authority (SCRA) announced awards of more $1.5 million for the fall 2015 grant cycle. SCRA provides funding to nonprofit organizations, education institutions and government entities through the grant process. The authority is a nonprofit that holds the gambling license for the Isle of Capri Casino in Bettendorf and receives 4.1 percent of the gambling boat’s gross receipts twice a year.

SCRA received 102 requests for funding totaling $3,034,875. A total of $1,514,962 was awarded to 59 projects benefiting residents of Scott County. Organizations with diocesan ties that received grants include:

• All Saints Catholic School, Davenport, $4,802 for gymnasium light replacement.
• Lourdes Catholic School, Bettendorf, $14,746 for Air 2 iPads, cases and educational software for third-grade literacy.
• Humility of Mary Shelter, Inc., Davenport, $14,000 for maintenance vehicle and snow plow.
• Quad Cities CommUniversity, Inc., Davenport, $2,000 for Lifelong Learning Opportunities on four Sundays in February.
• St. Ambrose University, Davenport, $51,380 for enhancements to Galvin Fine Arts Center’s Allaert Auditorium.
• Thomas Merton House, Inc., Davenport, $3,400 for Cafe on Vine for work tables for the kitchen.

The next grant cycle will be in the spring. Grant applications will be available March 1 and due April 1. Go the SCRA website: to obtain grant application forms.


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