Do not be deceived by new age mentality


To the Editor:
After reading Father Ron Rolheiser’s editorial, “Interfaith dialogue and attitudes” (April 23 Catholic Messenger), I feel compelled to respond. It seems Fr. Rolheiser is trying to show that there is more than one path to God. He states that there is good in every religion and we are to embrace that. Also he states “God is ‘scattered’ in world religions. Anything that is positive within a religion expresses something of God.” Again saying that, “Intentionally all the great world religions interpenetrate each other.” Do Buddhism, Hinduism and Islamic religions interpenetrate Christianity? Christianity and Judaism do this as clearly shown in the Bible with the New Testament building on the truths stated in the Old Testament. The Bible states clearly in Jn. 14:6 that Jesus says: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
The one thing I can agree with (in Fr. Rolheiser’s editorial) is listed in principle 9: “A simple external, historical connection to any religion is less important than achieving a personal relationship, ideally of intimacy, with God. What God wants most deeply from us, irrespective of our religion, is not a religious practice but a personal relationship that transforms our lives so as to radiate God’s goodness, truth and beauty more clearly.”
Do not be deceived by the new age mentality stated so clearly at the end of the editorial: “Different faiths — one Mother, one Father, one earth, one sky, one beginning, one end.”

Kenneth Sobaski
Ollie, Iowa

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