Upcoming events


Burlington – The CAFÉ (Catholic Adult Fellowship Evening) will be open in the Notre Dame School cafeteria at 6:45 p.m. Jan. 15 as Father David Steinle discusses “Why do Catholics Do That at Mass” Part I.

Davenport – Attacking Trafficking presents “Am I Trafficked?” on Jan. 9 from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Ambrose University in the Rogalski Center. Featured presenter is the Rev. Becca Stevens, director of a nationally recognized program for women who have been sexually exploited. Two survivors of human trafficking will share their stories.

Davenport – An icon workshop will take place at Eagles’ Wings Jan. 20–24 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Iconographer Leanne Spacek will teach students as they write an icon of St. Kateri Tekakwitha. Supplies are included. Bring a sack lunch. Registration is $300. A $100 down payment is needed to hold a space. Call Cyndi Jarvis at (563) 323-9945.

Davenport — To help married and engaged couples live out a teaching of the Church, a short course on Natural Family Planning begins Jan. 19 at 3 p.m. at St. Paul the Apostle Church.  Contact Al and Beth Budelier at (563) 324-7040 or elizabethimel@yahoo.com for more information and registration, or visit www.ccli.org.


Davenport – St. Paul the Apostle Parish invites people to an adult study, “Pillar I: The Creed,” beginning Jan. 13 in Denning Hall. The 12-part study is designed to take participants through the Catechism and show how their personal journey fits into the story of salvation Catholics pray each Sunday in the Creed. The study takes place Mondays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost of the study binder is $25. To register, contact Rosie Megraw at (563) 343-5761 or megrawr@gmail.com.

Rock Island, Ill. – Quad Cities Interfaith and the Illinois Department of Labor will host workshops on workers’ rights and career and apprenticeship training programs Jan. 11 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Second Baptist Church. Pre-registration is required. Call (563) 322-4910 or email qcinterfaith@gmail.com.

Davenport — A healing Mass will be celebrated Jan. 17 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Confessions start at 6 p.m, praise Music at 6:30 p.m and  Mass at 7:15 p.m. All are welcome.

Melrose — The Knights of Columbus of Albia sponsor a 24-hour adoration the first Friday of the month at St. Patrick Church in Melrose. Mass begins at 8 a.m., followed by 24 hours of adoration, and closes with benediction at 9:15 a.m. on Saturday. For more information or to sign up for an hour, call Tony Humeston at (641) 932-4121.

Moline, Ill. – The Secular Discalced Carmelite Community of St. Joseph and the Prophet Elijah invites people to join in the study of prayer in the tradition of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. The group meets on the second Sunday of each month at 1 p.m. at St. Mary Church. For more information, call Annette at (563) 359-7052 or Donna at (563) 323-1719.

Rock Island, Ill. — The Blessed John XXIII fraternity of the Secular Franciscans meets at 2 p.m. the first Sunday of each month at Trinity Hospital, 2701 17th St.  For more information, call Kent Ferris in Muscatine at (563) 299-6107.

Riverside – The Iowa City Deanery will be hosting Christian Experience Weekends at St. Mary’s in Riverside. The women’s CEW is Feb. 21-23, and the men’s retreat is Feb 28 and March 1-2.  For more information, call Janis Vittetoe at (319) 863-3704 or Denny Vittetoe at (319) 653-1927 or email cewicdeanery@gmail.com.

Wheatland —  Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat invites people to the following events. On Jan. 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. is “New Beginnings: Come to the Quiet.” Fee: $20. On Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. is “Winter Wonderland.” Bring cross-country skis, sleds, snow shoes or hiking boots. Sit by the fireplace sipping hot chocolate and savor a hot lunch. Fee: $20 (Friday or Saturday overnight available for an additional $40/night).To register, call (563) 336-8414 or email olpretreat@gmail.com.

Des Moines — The second annual Midwest March for Life will begin Jan. 18 at 11 a.m. on the west steps of the Iowa State Capitol Building. The Roe v. Wade Effect lunch and program will be at the Iowa Events Center. Lunch buffet will begin serving at 12:30 p.m. The program will begin at 1 p.m. A youth event targeted to college and high school students will be at the Iowa Events Center from 2:30-4:30 p.m. with speaker Bryan Kemper and a live band.

Grand Mound – Ss. Phillip & James Parish will host a dinner with all-you-can-eat chili or chicken noodle soup on Jan. 26 from 4-7 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults and $2.50 for children. Call (563) 847-7572 by Jan. 25 to preorder deliveries for Grand Mound homebound people.

Iowa City – Knights of Columbus Council 14481 will host a Free Throw Competition for boys and girls ages 10-14 on Saturday, Jan. 11, beginning at 8 a.m. in the gym at St. Patrick Church. Age level is determined by youth’s age as of Jan. 1, 2014. Students must show proof of age and have written parental consent. All youths will receive recognition for participation. Winners advance to district level competition on Feb. 8 at St. Patrick. Contact Ed Panther with questions at hwkengr@gmail.com or (319) 655-2142.

Iowa City – Knights of Columbus Council 14481 will serve pancakes and more at St. Patrick Social Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 12 after 7:30 a.m. Mass, with a Mexican dish added to the menu after the 10 a.m. and noon Masses. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children ages 13 and younger. Proceeds will support Johnson County Right to Life.

Ottumwa – St. Mary of the Visitation Parish is hosting its annual spaghetti dinner on Sunday, Jan. 26, in the church hall at Court and East Fourth Streets. Serving times will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4:30-6 p.m.  Price is $8 for an adult, $4 for children ages 4-10 and free for children 3 and younger.  Call (641) 682-4559 or (641) 683-1537 for more information.  Carry-outs will be available.

Oxford – A pancake, sausage and egg breakfast sponsored by the Oxford and Cosgrove Knights of Columbus will be Jan. 12 at St. Mary’s Hall from 7:30 a.m. to noon. A free-throw contest forboys and girls ages 10-14 will take place upstairs at the same time.

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