Growing in faith at home


NEWTON – A free Vibrant Faith @ Home PLUS workshop will aim to give parish leaders tools to empower families to grow in faith at home. The workshop will take place Wednesday, Feb. 12, from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Sacred Heart Church. Topics include:
• Analytics Don’t Lie. Based on site analytics, Vibrant Faith @ Home identified 10 characteristics of a faith-forming activity that gets used at home.
• Using Digital Media to Connect at Home. Help families access the faith resources they need and want.
• Home/Parish Part­nership. Explore ways to connect home life to congregational programs such as religious education, youth ministry, adult formation and even Sunday worship.
• Resource Showcase. supports families in their faith and offers a new subscription-based service that empowers partnerships between parishes and homes.
Presenter is Leif Kehrwald, a team leader for Vibrant Faith @ Home who has worked in family ministry and faith formation on the local, regional and national levels for more than 30 years.
To register for the workshop, visit

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