Pro-life license plates now available in Iowa


After years of effort from pro-life advocates, Iowa license plates reading “Choose life” are now available.
People may request the plates, which bear the pro-life message and a child’s drawing of two smiling faces, at a county treasurer’s office or online at
ovs/plates/chooselife.htm. Those who pre-ordered the plates through Iowa Right to Life (IRTL) should hear from their county treasurer’s office when the plates arrive, the group said.
“I cannot tell you how exciting it is to know that we were able to accomplish this after such a long, hard-fought battle,” said Jenifer Bowen, executive director of IRTL.
Members of the organization had sought state approval of the plate design for nine years before Gov. Terry Branstad helped them achieve their goal, according to IRTL. The group also received assistance from Florida-based Choose Life America, which has worked with groups and individuals in dozens of states to make pro-life license plates available.
In April 2012, the Iowa Department of Transpor­tation announced it approved the plate design. At that point, IRTL had a year to gather the 500 start-up orders required before the state would start making the plates.
“We ended up with nearly 550 initial applications,” Bowen said.
“I love to receive the texts, emails and messages from individuals as they receive their notice to come and pick up their plates!  It’s truly an exciting time in Iowa!”

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