Truth and Noah’s ark


To the Editor:
Professor Micah Kiel in his (Catholic Messenger) editorials says Noah’s ark is a myth and not historical, i.e., “it did not happen,” yet a truth can be garnered from this untrue story. The truth he garners from the Noah’s ark story is that God keeps his promises to his chosen people even in great trials.
We may like this conclusion about God, but if Noah’s story did not happen historically, even to some exaggerated degree, then Noah’s story is not proof of this conclusion. Professor Kiel’s conclusion may be what the ancient author wanted the reader to get out of the story, but if Noah’s story never happened, this so-called truth may or may not be true at all. At least one cannot use Noah as proof that God keeps his promises.
The faithfulness between Lucy and the Lion-God Aslan from the story of “Prince Caspian” written by C.S. Lewis is a beautiful story of faithfulness just like Noah’s story, but “Prince Caspian” never really happened. It is a fantasy. A wise man should no more put his faith in the God of Noah if Noah’s story did not happen any more than one should put one’s faith in the Lion-God, Aslan. Where is the wisdom of putting one’s faith in a false story? It is not wisdom.
If Noah’s story did happen as a myth defined as a plausible event with unverifiable facts, then Noah’s story can be proof that God keeps his promises. Many historians say ancient genre myths are usually based on some facts, but were changed considerably when written down with hyperbole, etc., obscuring many of the facts. If Noah’s story really happened to some degree we can have faith that God really does keep his promises.
Francis Schatz

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